Research papers that have benefited from digital footprint data.
Muggleton, N., Trendl, A., Walasek, L., Leake, D., Gathergood, J., Stewart, N. (2022) Workplace inequality is associated with status-signaling expenditure. PNAS, 119 (15) e2115196119.
Bannister, A. and Botta, F., 2021. Rapid indicators of deprivation using grocery shopping data. Royal Society open science, 8(12), p.211069.
Clark, S. D. et al. (2021). Dietary Patterns Derived from UK Supermarket Transaction Data with Nutrient and Socioeconomic Profiles. Nutrients, 13(5), 1481.
Dolan, E. H. & Skatova, A. (2021) Ovarian cancer, misdiagnosis and shopping for healthcare products: loyalty card data sharing study. Webinar for Ovacome.
Fard, N. A. et al. (2021). On the interplay between educational attainment and nutrition: a spatially-aware perspective. EPJ Data Science, 10(1), 1-21.
Jenneson, V. L. et al. (2021). A systematic review of supermarket automated electronic sales data for population dietary surveillance. Nutrition Reviews.
Nica-Avram, G., Harvey, J., Smith, G., Smith, A., Goulding, J. (2021) Identifying food insecurity in food sharing networks via machine learning. Journal of Business Research. 131, 469-484.